Pengukuran Warna Plastik Ekstrusi

Dinding vinil, bingkai jendela, lembaran plastik filem, pengupasan cuaca, pagar, pagar dek, insulasi kawat, dan pipa-pipa adalah contoh produk plastik ekstrusi, proses manufaktur volume tinggi di mana bahan plastik mentah dilebur dan dibentuk menjadi profil berkelanjutan. HunterLab telah memasok industri plastik dengan sistem pengukuran warna berkualitas selama lebih dari 60 tahun dan mengkhususkan diri dalam membantu produsen plastik dunia secara konsisten dalam mengelola warna produk mereka untuk memenuhi standar kualitas pelanggan mereka.

overview image

Produksi plastik menuntut toleransi yang ketat dan penggunaan bahan yang efisien. Mempertahankan tingkat kontrol kualitas warna yang tinggi merupakan tantangan yang sering kali dapat menyebabkan pemborosan material, penghentian jalur, keterlibatan operator yang ekstensif, serta skrap dan pengerjaan ulang produk. HunterLab memahami tantangan ini dan menyediakan rangkaian produk lengkap untuk laboratorium dan pemantauan, serta bisa mengontrol warna secara online yang dirancang untuk meningkatkan edisiensi dan mengurangi limbah.

Kebanyakan HunterLab – spektrofotometer cukup fleksibel untuk mengakomodasi sebagian besar aplikasi pengukuran warna. Namun, berdasarkan pengalaman lebih dari 60 tahun dan memahami apa yang dibutuhkan pelanggan kami secara menyeluruh dan penggunaan produk, instrumen khusus ini paling cocok untuk aplikasi industri ini.



ColorFlex EZ (45°/0° Geometry, Reflectance, 400-700 nm)
40% pelanggan kami lebih menyukai instrumen ini karena desainnya yang ringkas dan tampilan yang terintegrasi, sehingga tidak memerlukan PC dan perangkat lunak eksternal.

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SpectraTrend HT – Compact Online Spectrophotometer
Spektrofotometer SpectraTrend HT generasi berikutnya dari HunterLab membawa kontrol kualitas warna ke level tertinggi dengan desain 0/30 untuk presisi tertinggi.

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AN 1001.01 ALPHA

Measuring the Water Whiteness of Liquids Using the APHA Index.


AN 1002.01 Standard Observer

CIE Standard Observers and calculation of CIE X, Y, Z color values.


AN 1005 HunterLab vs CIE Lab

Measuring Color using Hunter L, a, b vs CIE 1976 L*a*b*.


AN 1007.01 Geometric Attribute

Measuring the Geometric Attribute of Your Products.


AN 1013 Averaging

Averaging in Color Measurement.


AN 1018 Hitch Stdz

Using Hitch Standardization on a Series of Color Measuring Instruments.


AN 1031 Identification of Measurement Parameters

Identification of Measurement Parameters.


AN 1033 Color versus Appearance

Understanding the difference between measuring color and measuring appearance.


HunterLab Solution Matrix

Geometry, Measurement Modes, and Indices.


MM 5019 Measuring Flat Opaque Solids with ColorQuest XE

Measurement method for flat, opaque solids using the UltraScan PRO, UltraScan VIS, or ColorQuest XE.


MM 5001 Measuring Translucent and Opaque Bottles with ColorQuest XE

Measurement method for translucent and opaque bottles using the UltraScan VIS, UltraScan PRO, and ColorQuest XE.


MM 5002 Measuring Transparent Bottles with ColorQuest XE

Method for measuring transparent bottles using the ColorQuest XE, UltraScan PRO, and UltraScan VIS.


MM 5006 Measuring Coated Glass with ColorQuest XE

Measurement method for coated glass using the UltraScan PRO, ColorQuest XE, and UltraScan VIS.


MM 5013 Measuring Plastic Pellets with ColorQuest XE

Measurement method for plastic pellets using the ColorQuest XE, UltraScan PRO, or UltraScan VIS.


MM 5015 Measuring Dense or Opaque Bottle Preforms with ColorQuest XE

Measurement method for opaque or dense bottle preforms using the UltraScan VIS, ColorQuest XE, or UltraScan PRO.


MM 5016 Measuring Transparent Bottle Preforms with ColorQuest XE

Measurement method for metal surfaces using the UltraScan VIS, UltraScan PRO, or ColorQuest XE.


MM 5021 Measuring Translucent Solids with ColorQuest XE

Measurement method for flat, translucent solids using the UltraScan PRO, UltraScan VIS, or ColorQuest XE.


MM 5022 Measuring Metal Surfaces with ColorQuest XE

Measurement method for metal surfaces using the UltraScan VIS, UltraScan PRO, or ColorQuest XE.


MM 5026 Measuring Translucent and Opaque Bottles with UltraScan VIS

Measurement method for translucent and opaque bottles using the UltraScan VIS, UltraScan PRO, and ColorQuest XE.


MM 5027 Measuring Transparent Bottles with UltraScan VIS

Method for measuring transparent bottles using the ColorQuest XE, UltraScan PRO, and UltraScan VIS.


MM 5031 Measuring Coated Glass with UltraScan VIS

Measurement method for coated glass using the UltraScan PRO, ColorQuest XE, and UltraScan VIS.


MM 5038 Measuring Plastics Pellets with UltraScan VIS

Measurement method for plastic pellets using the ColorQuest XE, UltraScan PRO, or UltraScan VIS.


MM 5040 Measuring Opaque or Dense Bottle Preforms with UltraScan VIS

Measurement method for plastic pellets using the ColorQuest XE, UltraScan PRO, or UltraScan VIS.


MM 5041 Measuring Transparent Bottle Preforms with UltraScan VIS

Measurement method for metal surfaces using the UltraScan VIS, UltraScan PRO, or ColorQuest XE.


MM 5044 Measuring Flat Opaque Solids with UltraScan VIS

Measurement method for flat, opaque solids using the UltraScan PRO, UltraScan VIS, or ColorQuest XE.


MM 5046 Measuring Flat Translucent Solids with UltraScan VIS

Measurement method for flat, translucent solids using the UltraScan PRO, UltraScan VIS, or ColorQuest XE.


MM 5047 Measuring Metal Surfaces with UltraScan VIS

Measurement method for metal surfaces using the UltraScan VIS, UltraScan PRO, or ColorQuest XE.


MM 5051 Measuring Translucent and Opaque Bottles with UltraScan PRO

Measurement method for translucent and opaque bottles using the UltraScan VIS, UltraScan PRO, and ColorQuest XE.


MM 5052 Measuring Transparent Bottles with UltraScan PRO

Measurement method for opaque or dense bottle preforms using the UltraScan VIS, ColorQuest XE, or UltraScan PRO.


MM 5056 Measuring Coated Glass with UltraScan PRO

Measurement method for coated glass using the UltraScan PRO, ColorQuest XE, and UltraScan VIS.


MM 5063 Measuring Plastics Pellets with UltraScan PRO

Measurement method for plastic pellets using the ColorQuest XE, UltraScan PRO, or UltraScan VIS.


MM 5065 Measuring Opaque or Dense Bottle Preforms with UltraScan PRO

Measurement method for transparent bottle preforms using the UltraScan VIS, ColorQuest XE, or UltraScan PRO.


MM 5066 Measuring Transparent Bottle Preforms with UltraScan PRO

Measurement method for metal surfaces using the UltraScan VIS, UltraScan PRO, or ColorQuest XE.


MM 5069 Measuring Flat Opaque Solids with UltraScan PRO

Measurement method for flat, opaque solids using the UltraScan PRO, UltraScan VIS, or ColorQuest XE.


MM 5071 Measuring Flat Translucent Solids with UltraScan PRO

Measurement method for flat, translucent solids using the UltraScan PRO, UltraScan VIS, or ColorQuest XE.


MM 5072 Measuring Metal Surfaces with UltraScan PRO

Measurement method for metal surfaces using the UltraScan VIS, UltraScan PRO, or ColorQuest XE.


Plastic Industry Brochure

Color measurement solutions for the plastics industry.


SpectraTrend HT for Plastics Brochure

In-process plastic solutions using SpectraTrend HT.